TypeScript vs ReasonML

September 01, 2022

TypeScript vs ReasonML: A Comparison

Every programmer out there knows the importance of choosing the right programming language. The choice affects the project’s implementation, usability, and scalability. With so many programming languages available, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your project. In this blog post, we’ll compare two popular programming languages, TypeScript and ReasonML.

Overview of TypeScript and ReasonML

TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, which means that it adds to the functionality of JavaScript. TypeScript is statically typed, which provides faster and more reliable code.

ReasonML is also an open-source programming language, but it is a dialect of the OCaml language, and it is functional in nature. ReasonML is known for its static type system, which reduces the potential for runtime errors.

Syntax Comparison

The syntax of TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, so it is familiar to many developers. It has the same syntax as JavaScript, with additional features such as type annotations, interfaces, and classes.

On the other hand, ReasonML has a syntax that is similar to JavaScript but has its own unique features. ReasonML is a functional language, which means that the syntax is different from that of TypeScript. It has pattern matching, variants, and modules that make it more expressive than JavaScript.

Performance Comparison

In terms of performance, TypeScript and ReasonML perform well. TypeScript is faster than JavaScript when it comes to type checking, which prevents runtime errors. ReasonML’s type system is also designed to reduce the number of runtime errors, making it a reliable choice for large-scale projects.

TypeScript runs on the same JavaScript engine as JavaScript, which means that it has the same performance characteristics as JavaScript.

ReasonML, on the other hand, compiles to bytecode, which makes it faster than JavaScript. It is also compatible with the native code of the OCaml language, which adds to its performance.

Ease of Use Comparison

TypeScript is easy to learn and use, especially for developers who already know JavaScript. It has great tooling support, and many text editors and IDEs provide easy integration with TypeScript.

ReasonML, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve because of its functional nature. However, the Reason team provides detailed documentation that makes it easier to learn. ReasonML also has excellent tooling support, with plugins available for many popular text editors.

Popularity and Community Comparison

TypeScript is more popular and has a larger community than ReasonML. It has been around for a longer time and has found widespread use in many large-scale projects. The TypeScript community contributes actively to the TypeScript project, and there are many third-party libraries and tools available for it.

ReasonML’s community is smaller than that of TypeScript but is growing rapidly. It has a vibrant community that contributes to the project actively. ReasonML has found use in many large-scale projects, including Facebook’s Messenger platform.


Both TypeScript and ReasonML are excellent choices for programming languages, and the choice depends on the project’s requirements. TypeScript is an extensible language that is easy to learn and provides excellent tooling support. ReasonML is a functional language that is expressive and designed to prevent runtime errors.

Ultimately, the choice between TypeScript and ReasonML depends on your personal preference and experience. Both are viable options that can provide excellent performance and reliability for your projects.


  1. TypeScript official website: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
  2. ReasonML official website: https://reasonml.github.io/
  3. Comparing ReasonML to TypeScript: https://www.sitepoint.com/reasonml-vs-typescript/
  4. TypeScript vs ReasonML: Which one should you choose? https://jadjoubran.io/typescript-vs-reasonml/

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